Sunday, March 8, 2009


Grandma Carol was with Jason, Karen and Collin on Jason's departure day! She was able to capture some pictures that I think are wonderful. All three of them are my heroes!! Thank you for your prayers for this wonderful little family and Jason's team that he will be working with. I don't have any details of Jason's location or his exact duties but I am very thankful that our heavenly Father does and is protecting and providing for Jason, his team members and his wife and son!

Collin and His Daddy having a little snuggle time before Daddy leaves!

1 comment:

  1. What precious pictures! I have been thinking about the 3 of them so much lately and you and Alvin too . . . Karen, I know we have never met before but your mother-in-law is a very dear and special "mom away from mom" to me. I have heard SO many wonderful things about you and you will be very close to my heart during this difficult time. I'm glad you have a little man to watch over you while Jason is gone :). Lots of love and prayers being sent your way . . .
