Sunday March 22, 2009

Grandpa Alvin's Favorite Picture from My Trip!

Collin's Daddy at 3 months!
Everyone always asks who Collin looks like so I thought it would be fun to post one of my favorite pictures of Jason when he was 3 months old. This was the first studio picture we had taken of him. I think it's really cute! I 'm not sure if I think Collin looks more like his mommy or his daddy! I certainly think he favors the Sateren side a bit more but his Great Grandma Peggy thinks he looks like his daddy in through the eyes! What do you think??

Collin's Daddy at 3 months!
Everyone always asks who Collin looks like so I thought it would be fun to post one of my favorite pictures of Jason when he was 3 months old. This was the first studio picture we had taken of him. I think it's really cute! I 'm not sure if I think Collin looks more like his mommy or his daddy! I certainly think he favors the Sateren side a bit more but his Great Grandma Peggy thinks he looks like his daddy in through the eyes! What do you think??