It was so hard to leave yesterday afternoon to catch the plane back to South Dakota! But it had to happen! We leave knowing that Collin is in the capable hands of his Mommy and Daddy, that they have a good support system, that Grandma Carol and others will be to visit soon and that we will plan another trip soon!! Collin had a check up yesterday and the doctor confirmed that he is being well taken care of! He has already started to gain some of the ounces back he lost after birth. Everything checks out good!
Hello Grandma (ahhh, that has a nice ring to it :)! I thought about you and Alvin so much yesterday and checked your blog MANY times today to see if you would post another adorable picture and to let us know you made it back home to Spearfish. I can only imagine how hard it was to leave (especially to say good-bye to Jason) . . . I will continue to pray hard for your peace in the Lord's plan. He loves them just as much as you do :)! Can't wait to see you tomorrow . . .