I know that I have said it several times on this blog how proud I am of Jason, Karen and Collin at how they handle Jason's deployment but I will say it again........I am so proud of them--they take a tough situation and make the best of it! Jason is gone again for now and Karen is at home keeping things going while he is gone! I am so proud of both of them and am thankful that they are so dedicated to serving our country! So before Jason left they took care of some things like having Collin enjoy his birthday cake--a little early but by the looks of the pictures I think he loved it!!! Enjoy the pictures!!!

Then there was some fixing of some things that Collin and Daddy needed to get done:

and there was some playtime to get in........

As Karen put on her facebook the other day.....Goodbyes don't get easier.....thanks for holding this family and Jason's team up in your prayers!